T-shirt Nº001, created by the Ukrainian designer Ostap Yashchuck, is a tribute to Carabanchel, the neighborhood in Madrid where the Altura Projects headquarters is located. The combination between both graphics, in the front and in the back, talk about the history of this neighborhood. While the one in the back reinterprets an amateur drawing done on a scrap man´s van, the one in the front is a transformation of Altura Projects original logo, designed by Tres Tipos Graficos studio, creating a link that highlights the peculiar duality of this place: the old and the new, the traditional and the innovative, its past and its future; all in one, all the time, coexisting in a mysterious balance that keeps surprising us in every step we take.
Creative Direction
-Altura Projects
Art Direction
-Ostap Yashchuk
-100% cotton environment friendly produced
Textile Silkscreen
-Doble Hilo
Packaging Silkscreen
-Julio Cubillos
Packaging Printing
-Pulse Print